Friday, May 23, 2008

Notes for Newbies - Part Sixteen - Building Your Website

Today we want to talk Fine Olive Oil how you build Acomplia - 30 pills @ 20mg each! website and upload it to your host. (Im sure you realize we cannot cover every detail of the process in these articles. My goal is just to get you started. To make it all work, you self cert loans need to get assist from your local FE college or your techie as we have discussed in earlier articles. that is just an outline.)

Building your website

To build a website you need some software called either a webpage builder or an HTML editor (these both mean the same thing). There are three types:

  • The simplest and hardest to use requires you to write everything directly in HTML. I would forget about that one for now (if youre interested, you can actually build your entire webpage using just Windows Notepad. Youre not really interested, are you?).
  • The one in the middle allows you to enter text and format it more or less the way you do when working in Microsoft Word. injury lawyers can also add images, format background colours and borders. These are sometimes referred to as WYSIWYG pronounced wizzywig -editors (what you see is what you get: a really, really old 1992 or so computing term).
  • The easiest to use and least flexible is something we might call a template or series of templates. These are often included as part of a complete package you might purchase to get you started in the business. With templates, you fill in the blanks then make selections for font, background colour and the like. Software packages that include a number of templates are available at reasonable cost.

I suggest you think about a WYSIWYG editor. They range in price from about 750 for a top-shelf package to about 20 for something really basic. As a general rule, the more you pay, the more flexibility you have. The downside of that is that sometimes the more powerful, more flexible software is somewhat more difficult to use.

For a simple webpage, the 20 package will probably do the job. Although you have less flexibility with the lower cost package, it is also easier to learn to use. You can always purchase a more powerful package later. To make the best choice for your needs, ask your techie. If you have Microsoft FrontPage on your PC that will do fine to start.

Next you need to choose a domain name.

In a perfect world, since you are in the business of direct marketing, you would choose a domain name like or managed web hosting these are the search terms persons looking for you and your products might enter in search engines. Unfortunately, all these short, tidy domain names were claimed long ago.

Plan B: Go to the website There you will be able to enter your choice and see if it is available. You want to try to choose a domain name that reflects what you are selling or your speciality. Look for something like or if, say, your expertise is in copywriting, go for something like or

Stay away from cutesy names like or because nobody is searching for these, and they tell searchers absolutely nothing about your business. Search engines ignore hyphens, so a search for 'direct marketing' will return both and Sometimes simply adding a hyphen will allow you register the domain name of your choice.

Spend some time looking at the gurus domain names to get some ideas, then brainstorm your own. Registration of domain names costs very little from about 5 to 15 per year so you can register several without too much damage to your budget.

Next you need to find a host. Hosting is available at prices that range from about 10 to 30 per month depending on the service. Most include a range of services such as several email accounts, autoresponders, webpage builders, reports on visitor statistics, SPAM filters and the like. Do a search and compare features. Ask your techie or your mentor. Its fairly simple to switch to another host if you get a better offer.

So, you have registered your domain name, signed up with a host and built your website (your first website may consist of one page or several pages. From now on we shall refer to it as your website or your pages). There is only one thing left to do, and it wont hurt too much, I promise.

You need to upload your pages to your hosts server. For that you need some FTP software. Many hosts offer that as part of their packages. If not, you can purchase one for under 20. FTP software enables you to connect to your host and copy your pages from your page builder across to their server. Its a simple process much like moving files from one directory to another by clicking and dragging.

Once you have uploaded your pages, go onto the Internet and type in Voila! (yes, French persons actually say that), there is your website, up and running! Proof read it carefully I always have at least one mistake in mine, then check that all your links work properly.

If you find a typo or a broken link, go back into your page builder and make the corrections. Then upload the revised pages to your server (you simply copy over the existing pages, again, just like saving an edited Word document).

Now all thats left is to fine-tune it so it starts making you a pile of money. :-)

Thats all for that time. See you soon.

Next time we shall talk about selling from your website.

Thanks for listening :-)

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